New Contact and Web Updates
Nigel Fletcher – Wireless Operator

I was pleased that the son of Nigel Fletcher (the Wireless Operator and also a Nigel) made contact just before Christmas 2022 and I was therefore able to add a better picture of “Fletch”, as he was known by the rest of the crew, to the website. Nigel was also able to share further information and some of his father’s stories so I’ll look to weave these into the website in due course. I’m also hoping to add Fletch’s log book into the site as well - this feels like I should really try and make contact with other relatives of the crew as it would be really good to add their logbooks and further information, photos and details to the website – one for the medium term!
Mildenhall Register
I’ve also been in contact with the secretary of The Mildenhall Register so both websites now have links to each other. He has written a very interesting account of his uncle's RAF service and this can be found on this page of The Mildenhall Register website: see near the bottom of the page: see 'An Orphan Airman’.
Squadron Operations Record Books
I’ve also now sourced the Operation Record Books from the National Archives for both 622 and XV squadrons for the period Jim was on Operations so plan to add in the details from these to tie into Jim’s logbook and personal notes for each operation. This should give a more comprehensive view of each raid.
April 2023